Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the Show located?
Portland Expo Center, 2060 Marine Dr W, Portland, OR 97217
The Portland Holiday Market is located in NW Portland on Marine Dr., just west of Interstate 5.
What are the show hours?
10 pm - 7 pm on Friday and Saturday.
10 am - 6 pm on Sunday.
Where do I purchase tickets?
CLICK HERE to purchase tickets online. Alternatively, tickets can be purchased at the Box Office during all show days.
I'm unable to find my online tickets?
If you are unable to locate your tickets on your smart phone or email, please reach out to Tiffany Cooper,
I'm interested in exhibiting at the show. Who should I contact?
We'd love to know more about you! Submit a Booth Quote Request and our team will be in touch shortly.
Can I take pictures?
Yes. But you might find vendors that request their products not be photographed, so please look out for those signs before you snap a pic and be respectful of their business wishes.
Am I able to return another day if I want to purchase something I saw at the show?
We will be pleased to hear that you found value in the show and want to return a second day. If this is the case, please see us in the Show Office or Guest Services at the event. We will be happy to accommodate you.
Is food available at the venue?
Yes, there are concession stands on-site offering full meal service including hot and cold meals and snacks. Please note that outside food & beverages are not allowed.
Is there a bag policy?
No, there is not.
Are there ATMS on site?
Yes, there are machines on the show floor.
Do you have parking shuttles?
No, there are no parking shuttles for the show.
Do you have a list of vendors that will be at the show?
Yes, you can find the live list of vendors by CLICK HERE
I’d like to avoid crowds. When is the best time to attend the show?
Typically, crowds tend to slow down towards the last two hours of the event.
Are there places to sit and rest?
Yes, in the Yuletide Lounge, there are picnic tables along the Main Aisle and additional tables in the connector hall between Halls E and D. These offer convenient spots to relax and take a break during the event.
Do you have a private area for nursing mothers?
Please visit the show office and we will see if we can accommodate something for you.
Is the venue wheelchair accessible?
Yes, the facility is fully wheelchair accessible. Based on availability, complimentary wheelchairs are available at entry points to the building. Contact the nearest Guest Services Representative to request a wheelchair. Guests will be required to leave either a valid, government issued photo ID or a major credit card as a deposit.
Are shopping carts, wagons and strollers permitted during the show?
Yes, but please be mindful of others and keep in mind that the aisles can be crowded so it's not always convenient.
Can I bring my pet to the show?
Unfortunately, animals are not allowed at the show, unless they are part of a paid exhibitor's display or a service animal.
Is there a Lost & Found Department who do I contact?
Lost and found is through the Show Office.
Are there places to sit?
Yes, we have tables for you to sit and eat in the connector between halls E and D.